Sustainable and resilient design is the core of Studioverde’s practice. Our team brings together a broad range of expertise to help clients enhance their environmental footprint, and create beautiful outdoor places that maximize returns on investment.
Campuses, courtyards, public spaces, resorts, healthcare facilities, and renewable energy projects provide some of the best opportunities to mitigate environmental impacts and restore ecosystem services such as pollinator habitat, water purification, climate regulation, and stormwater infiltration.
Looking to go one step further for demonstrable metrics or to integrate sustainability into your brand? Studioverde’s deep expertise in SITES and LEED streamlines the certification process.
SITES Certification
SITES v2, is a third party rating system through the Sustainable Sites Initiative. SITES is the most comprehensive system for the development and management of resilient landscapes and can be applied to any size project, with or without buildings.
Studioverde’s team includes Lisa Cowan, PLA, SITES AP one in the first class of SITES AP’s, and CeCe Haydock, PLA, SITES AP – a nationally recognized Landscape Architect who led the certification team for one of the first certified SITES Pilot projects: Hempstead Plains Interpretive Center, Nassau Community College , 2015. Lisa and CeCe also helped shape the Atlanta Beltline’s decision to adopt SITES certification for the development of their parks and trails, and continue to work with staff at Green Building Certification, Inc. (GBCI) on outreach and education for SITES.
SITES certification is a complex process and our experience with the rating system, sustainable design, and ecological restoration can help you efficiently evaluate and expedite your project. We offer a discounted project application fee via our active USGBC and ASLA memberships.
LEED Certification
We offer landscape and planning expertise for LEED projects, including consulting on how to maximize the “Sustainable Sites” section and filing of the related prerequisites and credits.
Completed LEED projects include:
- Margaret Chase Smith Federal Building, Bangor, Maine (LEED Platinum)
- Bright’n Green Sustainable Housing, Brooklyn, NY (LEED Platinum, Living Building Challenge Certified)
- Customs and Border Protection facility, Easton, Maine (LEED Silver)
- Maine Coast Heritage Trust Mount Desert Island Office + Campus, Maine (LEED Gold)
- Heron Drive Residence, Falmouth, Maine (LEED Gold)
WBE/DBE status
Studioverde is a woman owned business enterprise, certified in Maine (DBE), New York (CeCe Haydock, WBE) and Georgia. (WBE) . We are also a federally registered WOSB (Woman Owned Small Business) with SBA.