Studioverde worked with MCHT to develop a new campus that would minimize site impacts and provide opportunities to showcase native plant communities and land stewardship.
Studioverde’s low impact site plan included passive solar structures and one of the first green naturalized stormwater infrastructure treatment systems in Maine. The design also highlights the site’s meadow and forested character. The office entrance showcases a naturalized blueberry/granite barrens palette – the custom granite walk intermingles with plantings of native hayscented fern, blueberry/huckleberry/mountain cranberry sods. The access drive and parking were planned to avoid major trees, minimize earthwork, and features views to the estuary. An existing meadow , host to a stand of monarch butterfly milkweed habitat, can be viewed from the building and is an important educational feature for school groups and visitors.
- Stewart Brecher Architects
- Hedefine Engineering + Design
- Freshwater Stone
LEED Gold Certification