An upland cow pasture that was destined for commercial development was transformed into a diverse stream/wetland/upland habitat, as mitigation for construction of a new roadway interchange adjacent to the site. The design called for excavation and reuse of over 50,000 cubic yards of soil, as… [Read More]
Ecological and Wetland Restoration

Holmes Road Restoration featured in Landscape Architecture Magazine (2015)
Ecological restoration is the practice of active human intervention to renew and restore degraded, damaged or destroyed ecosystems and habitats.
Studioverde’s ecological design practitioners led the way with our habitat restoration and creation work starting in the early 1990s. We embraced the integrated team collaboration model to identify synergies and innovations that occur when science meets design. Our groundbreaking work in building natural wetland and upland habitat systems was featured in Landscape Architecture Magazine (August, 2015) Return of the Swamp.
Ecological restoration does not have to be expensive to be successful. Well-planned, sustainably designed installations will require less maintenance and management over time.
Based on proven wetland restoration/creation success, Studioverde was invited as the only landscape architectural firm to participate in the Association of State Wetland Managers’ (ASWM) Wetland Restoration Work Group tasked with identifying critical strategies to improve wetland restoration and creation.
Interested in learning more for your educational program or next project? Considering an ecological restoration component in your next SITES project? Contact Studioverde.
Route 9 Multi-site Wetland, Upland + Stream Restorations
Lead Landscape Architect for the restoration and creation of 30 wetlands, upland buffers and streams – from abandoned roadbeds and wood disposal sites – along the Route 9 roadway corridor in Downeast Maine. Challenges such as difficult access, protection of sensitive natural areas and wildlife,… [Read More]
Kittery Travel Plaza Landscape Restoration
The innovative site restoration plan focused on a cost effective, sustainable sites approach, which used on-site recycled soil, woodwaste and compost from local sources and native wildflower and grass seed mixes to provide a vegetative cover that would not require traditional costly maintenance. This approach… [Read More]
Dyer River Tributary Restoration
The restoration of the Dyer River Tributary was a ground-breaking example of ecological restoration efforts that improved a site’s ecosystem services and provided economic benefits to the agricultural landowner and community. The tributary was part of a grazing area for cows, which, over time became… [Read More]